Alexis Cruz

Draws inspiration from the Past to Produce the Future


This is my final update as to what I have been doing with the Lincoln Saltdogs. My internship with the organization ended Sunday, the 13th, with the final home game I could work before school started and I had to go back to Des Moines.

New Opportunities


My boss had to step out of the press box at the end of the game. Normally he starts on getting the 3-play replay list narrowed down so that we can use it in our highlight videos while the rest of us go about shutting everything down. Since the tasks to shut down the press box do not take long and we did not know when he was coming back I went ahead and began cutting down the list. He had recently shown the interns how to do this. When he came back he let me continue what I was doing. We then used what I produced to make the highlight video.

The end result was good, my boss said the biggest thing he noticed was that I needed more padding on the clips so that the clips transitioned nicely and that I had gotten off on my crossfades in between clips. After watching it back I completely agree. When I was doing the clipping I had noticed that I had gotten off but I thought I had corrected it, but it is apparent that I had not. At the very least it was a good lesson in going back through again even if no one noticed anything out of place the first time.

Nonetheless, the end result is a highlight video that was heavily produced by me.


During the last home game, I worked something went down. We were not sure what but it was affecting our video getting back to us to be displayed on the big screen and the stream. We happened to be short handed that day so the other two video interns were on camera while I was streaming. Since we did not have video I got off the stream to help my boss try to figure out what was wrong. While he was trying different fixes I was running graphics during the game. It is a lot different running graphics for a real professional baseball game instead of young kids. But it went alright and when we decided we had to shelve fixing it and shut the stream down I went to run audio while my boss took back graphics.

New video

In my last update, I mentioned a surprise. I, using footage from our last bark at the park day, went ahead and made a promotional video (see it below or the video page). Due to the timing, it was not used during this season but my boss had me bring the files to him so that he could use it in the future.


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