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Summer Internships Update One


I expected to have this update up awhile ago but once everything started life got busy. It’s not an excuse for not updating but it does prove that life gets in the way.

Hopefully, though I’ll be able to work out a schedule where I update every two weeks or so.


As of today, we have started the third home series and I’ve gotten comfortable with the usual duties of the internship.

A Normal Game

For this internship, a usual day can be broken up into three parts, Pre-Game, Game-Time, and Post-Game.


During the Pre-game we (there are three video production interns) get the cameras set up for the game, using After Effects update player slates and work on getting the changing between inning graphics together. We also run graphics for the actual pre-game – so what goes up on the scoreboard before the game actually starts.


When game time comes we run the audio between innings, stream the game, and work as a floater – running errands for the press box.  The position I was most nervous working was streaming the game as it wasn’t as straightforward as running audio or errands but once I worked in all the positions during the game it became easier. One can find the stream at

I find that every time I do each position that I am more comfortable and eager to do this.


Once the game is over we shut everything down and grab the game highlights that our replay person grabbed. From there we have to edit the highlights down in Premiere Pro in order to post them to the Saltdogs’ youtube account. How good the highlights turn out all depend on the camera work and how well the audio came through but it does give good practice at editing.

A Not so Normal Game

Fridays are our not so normal game days these are special game days where we have a theme night and fireworks. Each theme will have a certain type of music to go with it. Using Audition we create a multi-track melt with about 14 songs on it for the after game fireworks.

Another not so normal game is when we are facing a team we have not faced at home before. Then we have to make player slates from scratch for the whole team during our pre-game. This takes longer than normal as we have to do the whole team. Now the Saltdogs are a part of the American Association league, their roster rules state that a team can have 22 players on the roster and 2 on the disabled list. That’s a total of 24 people we have to make slates for. It’s not hard now that we’ve done them more than once but it is time-consuming.


Nebraska Historical Society

I am not going to say much on this due to ethical constraints though I am learning a lot on archiving audio-visual history.



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